Thursday, August 6, 2009

Reflections on Exploration

The past six weeks have been extremely fun and meaningful as I've studied Web 2.0 technologies from a perspective of their applicability to learning and performance needs. I have learned several things:
  • A technology's application to learning may not be immediately obvious, and may only reveal itself when viewed through the lens of another technology.
  • There is no one Web 2.0 tool that can address every learning need, though Ning covers many bases.
  • Web 2.0 sites/tools often take on a life of their own.
  • Sometimes the best Web 2.0 tool is a combination of two Web 2.0 tools.
  • Being a produser has made me a more critical user.
  • It's okay to experiment - you can put things "out there," hope for the best, and see what happens. If a project doesn't take off, all you've really lost is a little time, but you've also learned something.

In the future, I will take the spirit of "educated experimentation" I've gained from my six weeks of exploration and give myself a little more liberty in exploring the unknown. You can design a good product, but you simply can't control how Web 2.0 tools will be received - not 100%.

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